Georgian College Travel Bursary

Georgian College has established a bursary fund to aid eligible domestic students who commute (by car or transit) more than 30 KM one-way to their campus location and require financial assistance with associated travel costs during their study period. In order to be eligible you must be enrolled full-time in the current academic year; be in good academic standing; demonstrate financial need and be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident or a protected person. Students receiving assistance through the Second Career program are not eligible for this bursary.
Students who commute more than 30 KM one-way to their co-op placement or field placement may also be eligible for this bursary.
Students may be eligible for only one of the Georgian College Travel or Technology Bursaries, subject to funding availability.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Do you travel by your own car to Georgian College?
  2. Do you travel by transit to Georgian College?
  3. How many KM ONE-WAY do you travel to Georgian College by transit or your own car?