Grizzly Athletic Excellence Award

Presented to an incoming or returning student-athlete who has demonstrated technical abilities, physical qualities and tactical awareness in elite and high-performance programs, in their chosen sport, that will translate well to post-secondary sport. The recipient must have a strong work-ethic and ability to contribute to a positive team atmosphere. The recipient must have completed the minimum number of courses or credits (9 credits each semester) required for OCAA eligibility and maintain a 60% GPA throughout the semester. In accordance with OCAA Regulations the maximum amount a student-athlete may receive is $1500 per semester, with a maximum amount per calendar year not to exceed $3000. Fall semester recipients will receive the award in January and winter semester recipients in May.

The Athletics department will provide the Awards Office with a list of recipients detailing the total amount being awarded and instalment amounts for each student at the end of December and April. The Awards Office will then process the awards and provide payment to each student-athlete at the start of the following semester.
